Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Is This ???

This and that and the others, so many images

Where has my imagination taken me

I ponder things not yet joined in meaning

How do I draw them all together in unity

There are so many different colors and shapes

What are they all trying to tell me about life

That's how everything finds a new beginning

Sort of like choosing members for a team

But all of this is a story is hiding in pieces

Brand new words have been waiting to speak

It seems that they are choosing me freely

They don't hesitate; they want to play today

I see blue rivers, green grass, brown earth

I see a  mufti-colored mountain and pink skies

I see a golden moon surrounded by pink 

I see a patch of gray with a blue-gray face

I see pieces of yellow light here and there

It's a magical word of many shapes and colors

I wonder about the blue-gray face of a person

The eyes, nose, and mouth are silver

But they look odd and in-human, not like us

Perhaps I should name him or her 

Perhaps a Sioux named, Wakanda

It means possesses magical power, a she in Sioux

Her brothers could be Bimisi (slippery)

Chesmu which means gritty

And Demothi (talks while walking)

Her sisters: Ooljee, Shadi and Tolinka

Moon, older sister, and coyotes flapping ear

Those are all Navajo names  for girls or women

Now we have a magical place to begin the story

All of the people have gray faces, girls and boys

I will let them speak and share there life stories

A journey of seven children on an adventure 

They are looking for Matoskah, the white bear

And his brother Wambleeska, the white eagle

O yes, now I know What This Is

A brand new story that's ready to be written


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