Monday, October 22, 2012

The Happy and Sad Store

I wonder what makes you happy

I wonder what makes you sad

Some say that our emotions 

Are the result of brain chemistry

But in our gut is a second brain

Scientists call it a primitive brain

Made up of bundles of neurons

Our primitive brain makes decisions

About our emotions and how we will feel

So when we ask "What's your gut tell you?"

There are answers and decisions in our guts

Our primitive brains make lots of decisions

Our primitive brains make us happy or sad

Our primitive brains are happy and sad stores

Our primitive brains can make us feel depressed

 That's why emotions like anger or rage 

Are connected to what some call primitive instincts

That's why fear and panic are gut reactions

Our primitive brains can tell us to fight or run

I wonder if reason which lives in our higher brains

Has arguments with our lower and primitive brains

But scientists says they both act independently

Which means that our two brains

Don't talk to each other; just do their own things

Does that mean that a part of us of who we are

Is primitive like the original people long ago

Perhaps that's why passion often rules over reason

Perhaps that is why we act without thinking

Perhaps it is why we make war instead of peace

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