Wednesday, March 27, 2013


He  Or She

Who Has the Gold

Makes The Rules

After a few games of hand ball we went
to his office. On the wall was the saying
"He/she who has the gold makes the
 rules." That is true in O so many ways
 He or she who has the gold  is the
 boss where people work, and the more 
gold he or she has, the more power
he or she has.

Those who have the gold pay for the 
election campaigns of those who run
our government.  Some finance both
people running for office, but they always
gain influence, and YES they shape the
future of our country and YES even
our lives.

The he's and she's who have the gold 
closed our factories and sent our jobs
overseas, along with just as many high
paying jobs. They got rich and millions
of Americans lost their jobs. He or she  
who has the gold is winning and our
work force is losing.

As for me. I think it time for all us
to start voting so things will change.
Otherwise O so may will live in 

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