Friday, January 25, 2013

Alien Starship

Woman Captain

You can tell by my painting 
that I have watched all of
that Star Trek series.
I also have watched all of
the Star Trek movies,
It seems to me that 
Star Trek movies and series
deal with a lot of issues in
our world filled with controversies.

Finally we had Captain Janeway
in the Voyager Star Trek series.
She was in command of a lot of
men and women and its message
was that a woman can do anything
a man can and do it as good or
better than any man does.
As for me it shared that there
is hope for all of us and that
some day women will be given
the same opportunities as men.

Those who oppose the evolution 
of women into new roles that
only men had, and also those
jobs they wanted to keep for
men, have lots of reasons.
From the beginning of time
racism, bigotry, and social 
stereotypes have always been
supported by the same reasons. 
They paint negative reasons for
not sharing their freedom and choices
for others of different races, ethic 
backgrounds, genders, religions and gender

It it seems to me that they feel that
only they are valuable human beings.
It seems to me that they feel that they
are more deserving and better than
everyone else
It also seem that things have changed.
The newest bigotry has created 
economic racism, which means that
the poor have nothing because they
are lazy or have chosen to be   
uneducated and we don't need to
help them; they should pull 
themselves up by their bootstraps.

Another thing has happened that
confuses me, it is the anti-feminist 
movement. Have we forgotten
that feminist worked to get the
right to vote  for women
and have also worked
hard to pass laws about domestic
violence. Do they know there was a
time when women were the 
property of their husbands.
We only needed a few more states'
yeses to pass the equal rights
 amendment for women, 
which means that women 
would have the same 
 rights as men.

It seems to me that all of us are
valuable human beings and all
of us may make a contribution
to America, though some may
need some help from us, I believe
that all of us can have success.

I believe that we will only stay free
if we stand up for others and their 
rights, only if we value each other
and stand up together against every
form of racism and bigotry, Only then
may we all continue to be free.              


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