Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Game of Cat and Mouse

In our world there are predators and victims.
Our first thoughts are about serial killers,
rapists, muggers and drive by shootings.
We also think of sexual predators who 
victimize women and children.
There are lots of people like that in our world.
Predators do awful things and some 
sexually and physically abuse wives, 
children, girl friends  and relatives.
It's like a game of cat and mouse, and cats
love to play with mice before they eat them.
Orcas do the same thing with seals and
like cats they enjoy the fear in their prey.

People do the same thing as cats and Orca's.
It makes me wonder why human beings
enjoy hurting, torturing and killing others.
I wonder why they enjoy the fear in others,
enjoy hearing their screams and their pleas.
But there is another group of predators,
bullies who pick on weak kids and 
make them cry and scream.
They pick on those kids so often again and
again and they enjoy hurting them with
words and violence and embarassing them
in front of their peers.

The game of cat and mouse 
can also take place in the work place.
Men sexually harass women and 
some times they touch them in private places.
But men and women also play games
of cat and mouse with their own gender.
These cat and mouse games at work
make each day of work hell for someone.
What's wrong with them? 
Why do they enjoy hurting others so much?
Were they bullies during their school days?

I wonder why so many who watch while
others play a game of cat and mouse 
and do nothing, don't help the victims.
Do they enjoy watching the game  
of cat and mouse like a sporting event,
with front row seats at the work place?
Are they afraid to report those cat and
mouse games because they are worried
that they may be next? Are they cowards?
As for me, I want the games of cat and mouse
AND VICTIMS. Let's put a stop to them.  

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