Monday, February 4, 2013

Building A House

It took me a lot of time to build this house
with acrylic paints and many brushes,
I had to learn a lot to create the different
pieces of my humble house and buy some
new paint brushes for the fine work.

My scanner isn't big enough to catch all of
my humble painting of a Victorian house.  
So part of it is missing and you can see
that I wasn't able to give you a picture
that was square and level.

But the story is not about the result of
my many hours of work. Many thoughts
arose and I learned that learning how to
do new things is good for our minds. I
set a goal and the project wasn't easy.

The point is that we shouldn't ever give
up even if what we have to do is very
hard. Reaching a goal through a lot of
work helps us all to grow and it changes
who we are and make it better.

I live in a manufactured home in a nice
manufactured home park with good 
neighbors. I will never have ahouse
like the one in my painting, but yet
I am very grateful for our home.

Our home is built on a foundation of
love and our savior Jesus Christ. I
remembered that a house must be
built on a strong foundation if it is
to last  for a very long time.

In the end, I saw that my project
was a teacher that taught me new
lessons about life. Lessons are     
there for us if we are willing to
listen and apply them to our lives.

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