Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"Some days the dragon wins." 
Not my quote but I will always
remember it. Some days we don't
win even after doing our best. We
haven't failed on those days. Because
we have done our best. 


I have painted many pictures of dragons
and I have had days when YES the dragon
wins. A good day to read a book, or to
find a calm way to relax. There will be 
dragon days and yet there aren't many
of them. So I smile and say, "Hello 


I want you to know that you can smile
on days like that, knowing that 
tomorrow will be better; you can smile
and say "Hello dragon."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

O The Pressure

We live in a stress for success world
and O how the pressure builds.
It may make you want to scream and
yell and utter some expletives, words
we shouldn't ever use, O so fowl, and

We need to take a time out for ourseleves
to rest and let go of the pressure and stress,
and remember to believe in us. We need to
believe that we are doing our best, and that
our best is good enough. We need to throw
out the negative stuff in us and focus on
positive thoughts, which will lift our spirits up.

Of YES when I feel stressed and O so much
pressure, I focus on all the good things, the
real treasures that life offers.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I showed this painting to my wife and
she said, "It is a man crying out in chaos."
O course she was right; yes many feel
O so lost in a world where they can't find
themselves, a world without any order
in their lives, and often panicked by it.

There is only one way out of chaos,
to find something that we believe in,
and live it. Twelve step groups call
their higher power. As for me it will
always be God. I have learned to
trust God in all things, and I do my
best to do what I believe,

No I am not preaching. I'm just
sharing who I am and what works
for me; it's how I deal with chaos
and I hope it helps you to fin
order instead of chaos in your lives. 

Friday, February 22, 2013



We journey on a path of generations;
so many preceded us and so many
will follow us. So many stories and
some long ago shared in a circles
around a fires, stories that are a
part of us and we add on to them.

All generations connected, some
for the good, and some that may
be bad, but we create the future
for new generations with our choices
and with our actions. We can change
the destiny of future generations.

To know our roots is to know where
we have come from. To embrace our 
goals and dreams is to know where
we are going.         

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Some days are emotions are at war
with each other. It's often hard to
sort through them and figure out
whats going on inside of us. The
first thing do do is calm down; 
only then will we find out where
those emotions come from.

Other wise, those emotions may
take control of us and cause us
all kinds of problems. But it is
so easy to focus on how we feel
because in one sense our emotions
are who and what we are then.

As for me. meditation in silence is
the key to find our place of peace.

No Faces

This is my newest folk art painting.
You may be wondering why they
have no eyes, mouths, and noses.
The reason is that all of us have
O so many faces depending on
the occasions and YES our feelings.

Faces are outlets for our feelings
and they also express so many 
things about us. But we don't
make those faces. They come from
all that is within us, and we can't
control what they say to others.

We can only change what lies 
within us and some days that
may be very hard to do.     

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The True You
Please don't let a mistake you made
define who you are today. Some 
people may try to manipulate you by
using your past mistakes as a case.
Please tell that he or she,
"That's not me, and I refuse to live
in the past."   

The true you is growing and it is moving
on to the new you that you are becoming.
We don't need to be perfect to smile and
Celebrate ourlives and the awesome person
that we are becoming. The truth about us
is that we are becoming, 
and we are someone precious,
Please define yourself with the best things
about you. That is the true you. Yes we are
all a whole lot better than our mistakes.     

Monday, February 18, 2013

Awe and Wonder

When I think about life
I am filled with awe and wonder.
Our human bodies are so
complex and so well designed.
The thought of how all of that
has come together is a true

Often I stand up my hands
reaching toward the sky  
to touch the Spirit of my
creator and humbly give 
thanks and praise. Each of
us is so unique in O so 
many ways. We are unique
and unrepeatable miracles.

Yes, as for me, I am in awe
and wonder of the miracle
of life. Each day is such a 
very special gift.