Monday, November 28, 2011

How Do Others See Us

I thought about the fact/ that people see us in many different ways/ that even our faces are changed/ when they are seen  through different eyes

I paused to ponder whether people really know us at all/ if we are all like the pieces in a jig saw puzzle and no on has time/ to put them together

I can only imagine what others see/ what thoughts they have when they think of me/ and yet I know/ that no matter what  they see/ I will always be me


ᴄᴼᴺsᴛᴀɴᴛɪɴᴇ said...

I like this one! said...

Our favourite as well...the last paragraph makes the piece - makes us think of one of the images that goes viral around the internet with a quote or saying...that gets you thinking...very nice. Thanks for sharing...